Ode to the Sun

Eloise Bibb Thompson

Eloise Bibb Thompson

Teacher and poet, Eloie Bibb Thompson published her first book of poems aged 17. In 1911, she married a civil rights activist and moved to Los Angeles where she wrote various articles and plays about African-Americans.

How many scenes, O sun,
Hast thou not shone upon!
How many tears, O light,
Have dropped before thy sight!
How many heart-felt sighs,
How many piercing cries,
How many deeds of woe,
Dost thy bright light not know!
How many broken hearts,
That are pierced by sorrow's darts
How many maddened brains,
That are wild with passion's rains;
How many soul-sick lives,
Stabbed with despair's sharp knives,
Hast thou above the skies,
Not seen with thy radiant eyes!
Shine on, majestic one!
Shine on, O glorious sun!
And never fail to cheer
My life so dark and drear.
Whene'er thou shinest bright,
And show thy brilliant light,
The cares I know each day
Silently steal away.

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